Enrolment and Charges


470,00 € double and multi-bed room

The price shown includes the room with full board. The above price is a special price applicable to a stay for the entire duration of the course. If the stay is shortened, the relative price will increase. There are no single rooms. On request, double rooms can also be used as single rooms. (as long as available and at an additional cost)

Registration Fee

40,00 € for participants
80,00 € for accompanying persons

Course Fee

450,00 € before 9th of June 2024
550,00 € after 10th of June 2024

  • Registration deadline: 6th of July 2024
  • Early bird discount: until 9th of June 2024

Payment Information

All fees must be transferred to the following bank account:

Internationale Musiktage
RAIFFEISENBANK Region Bad Leonfelden
IBAN: AT48 3427 7000 0005 5152

Alternatively, all fees can also be paid in cash on site.